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October 12, 2023

How to get updates working if you use Proxmox without a subscription

Firstly a Proxmox community subscription is only €105 for a year if you only have a single CPU Socket and is well worth the cost imo.

However if you want to use Proxmox without a subscription and are getting the “TASK ERROR: command ‘apt-get update’ failed: exit code 100” over and over again then you can use the free non subscription repository to update instead.

This page has the available repos which you will need.

For version 8.0.4 which i was using on a test machine that instructed to modify the following file so it looks like this.

Into file /etc/apt/sources.list

deb [...]
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February 12, 2018 Homeassistant Rfxtrx setup for LightwaveRF Devices

I like LightwaveRF, they make a very clever range of switches and inline dimmers which work in the UK.

For those of you who don’t know already in the UK our normal wiring setup is to run a (ring)main to all lights and then to send a separate cable from the light fitting down to a switch. This cable is for the sole purpose of adding a gap into the live wire to switch the light on and off.

In other countries a live, neutral (and earth) is often run to the switch itself and then from the switch to the light itself.

What this means is a lot of the home automation kit available in the world doesn’t play well with UK wiring as most switches require a [...]

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November 17, 2014

How to configure VBSSO to work correctly with user roles in WordPress

Vbulletin and WordPress are very complementary platforms and with the release of VBSSO we can now have users syncronised across both WordPress and Vbulletin in order to allow a single signin and well combined experience when using seperate platforms.


What you will need to get started.

A Vbulletin forum. A WordPress blog which you want to synchronise users to and from VBSSO plugin for Vbulletin VBSSO plugin for WordPress

VBSSO have their own documentation here which I found to be missing detail in regards to some of their additional  features and functions and although it explains how to install the actual plugins the confuration side of it has been [...]

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November 17, 2014

How to forward emails to Freshdesk correctly in Office Exchange 365

When you are setting up Freshdesk to use as a support portal for your company you will want to have something like routed through to allow people to raise a ticket when you recieve a support query on that email address.

In Office 365 there are several options to do this. The following is what I believe to be the most straightforward.

Office 365 setup

The first step is to make a group / distribution list which will recieve the emails.

Go to Office 365 and login then if you are not already on the admin pages click the blue box top left choose admin then on the netx page choose exchange from the left menu under the Admin dropdown.

You [...]

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How to use Blueprint static folders correctly in Python – Flask
How to forward emails to Freshdesk correctly in Office Exchange 365
3 Homeassistant Rfxtrx setup for LightwaveRF Devices
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